Maintainer's Guide ================== The ``tzdata`` repo is intended to be very low-maintenance and highly automated. This document serves as a reference guide for various maintenance actions that a maintainer may need to take. End users do not need to be concerned with the contents of this document. Requirements ------------ Maintenance scripts are orchestrated using |tox|_ environments to manage the requirements of each script. The details of each environment can be found in the ``tox.ini`` file in the repository root. The repository also has pre-commit configured to automatically enforce various code formatting rules on commit. To use it, install `pre-commit `_ and run ``pre-commit install`` in the repository root to install the git commit hooks. Updating to new tz releases --------------------------- When the ``update`` environment is run, it will automatically detect whether the current version of the IANA time zone database in the repository matches the latest release available from ` `_. If a new release is available, ``tox -e update`` will download and install it into the repository. After running ``tox -e update``, the base version should be set to the current version of the upstream database, translated into :pep:`440`. The package version will start as a release candidate (``rc0``), and will need to be bumped to a full release before the final upload to PyPI. For example, when updating from 2019c to 2020a:: $ tox -e update -- --version=2020a ... $ git diff VERSION -2019.3 +2020.1rc0 Once this is done, commit all the changed or added files and make a pull request. Updating the version -------------------- The canonical location for the version is the ``VERSION`` file in the repository root, and it is updated in two ways: 1. The "base version" (e.g. 2020.1) is set by ``tox -e update``. 2. The additional markers such as pre (release candidate), post and dev are managed by ``tox -e bump_version``. The version follows the scheme:: YYYY.minor[rcX][.postY][.devZ] Bumping any component removes all values to its right as well, so for example, if the base version were ``20201rc1.post2.dev0``:: $ tox -e bump -- --dev --dry-run ... 2020.1rc1.post2.dev0 → 2020.1rc1.post2.dev1 $ tox -e bump -- --post --dry-run ... 2020.1rc1.post2.dev0 → 2020.1rc1.post3 $ tox -e bump -- --rc --dry-run ... 2020.1rc1.post2.dev0 → 2020.1rc2 To remove all additional markers and get a simple "release" version, use ``--release``:: $ tox -e bump -- --release ... 2020.1rc1.post2.dev0 → 2020.1 For more information on how to use ``bump_version``, run ``tox -e bump_version -- -help``. Making a release ---------------- Release automation is done via the ``publish.yml`` GitHub Actions workflow, which is triggered whenever a new tag is pushed and whenever a new GitHub release is made. When a new tag is pushed, the project is built and released to `Test PyPI `_, and when a GitHub release is made, the project is built and released to `PyPI `_. To make a release: 1. Tag the repository with the current version – you can use the ``./`` script in the repository root to source the version automatically from the current ``VERSION`` file. 2. Wait for the GitHub action to succeed, then check the results on . 3. If everything looks good, go into the GitHub repository's `"releases" tab `_ and click "Create a new release"; type the name of the tag into the box, fill out the remainder of the form, and click "Publish". 4. Check that the release action has succeeded, then check that everything looks OK on . If there's a problem with the release, use ``tox -e bump -- --post`` to create a post release, and if it's sufficiently serious, yank the broken version. It is recommended to start with a release candidate first, since even Test PyPI is immutable and each release burns a version number. .. Links .. |tox| replace:: ``tox`` .. _tox: